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Rocky's Run Dog Park


Rocky's Run Dog Park is now open!

Our dog-loving guests asked for a place where our four-legged friends could wander off-leash and we heard you. Phase 1 of Rocky's Run is open, offering water-front views for our playful puppies. Stay tuned for news on Phase 2, which will offer an even larger area complete with shady forests and stream access.  

RR2 water front.jpg

Please Read and Respect Rocky’s Golden Rules:


  1. All dog park visitors must first pay Dog Fee at office prior to enjoying Rocky’s Run;

  2. NEVER leave your dog alone in the park, even for “just a sec”;

  3. All children under the age of 14 MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian while in park;

  4. All dogs must remain unleashed within park to avoid triggering aggressive behavior from other dogs

  5. Do not approach unfamiliar dogs without the express permission of its owner/human;

  6. Dogs are the only animals allowed in park;

  7. Close the gate securely behind you when entering/exiting park; 

  8. Off leash does not mean out of control - Keep your dog from being aggressive toward other dogs or humans. You are responsible for their actions;

  9. Immediately pick up your dog’s waste and dispose of it in the receptacles provided; Fill in any holes your dog may dig;

  10. Remember that you are responsible for your dog’s behavior while in the park.


Use of Rocky’s Run is at YOUR OWN RISK.  Buffalo Gap Retreat is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any injury or damage that may result from your use of this dog park. In an emergency, call 911 and seek assistance from the Office.

Our Address

Contact Us

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229 Cool Creek Rd. 

Capon Bridge, WV  26711

call Buffalo Gap Retreat
email Buffalo Gap Retreat

202-422-7540 / 304-359-4884

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