Local Farm Markets

The Farmer's Daughter
A family owned and operated market in beautiful Capon Bridge, West Virginia.
Proudly serving locally sourced meats, dairy, produce and dry goods.
Event Catering Available
Butcher Shop. Grocery Store. Market
Proprietor: Pete and Kate
(304) 856-2550 / info@farmersdaughterwv.com

Wardensville Garden Market
Organic: We grow more than vegetables! The Wardensville Garden Market + Bakery is a nonprofit farm that employs local youth, encouraging their entrepreneurial spirit through small-scale sustainable farming in an education-rich environment.
Proprietors: Paul Yandura and Donald Hitchcock
304-897-2083 / info@wardensvillegardenmarket.org
Our goal is to enhance the knowledge of local youth by teaching them how to run and sustain a successful small business, and by offering opportunities to pursue new career paths, through classes and scholarships. We reinvest 100% of every purchase made at the market and bakery back into the program to hire and inspire even more young people

Winchester Spring Valley Farm Market
Farmer's Market and Orchard / Vegetable Farm
Spring Valley is a family owned and operated farm just outside of Romney, West Virginia. Owners Eli and Misty have 345 acres, which they manage by using the fundamentals of integrated pest management and sustainable agriculture. Nearly 250 acres of their farm consist of orchards, allowing them to grow such favorites as peaches, plums, cherries, and apples.
Proprietors: Misty and Eli Cook
(540) 773-4820 / springvalley@frontiernet.net
As most farms go dormant in the winter, theirs stays green with the help of eleven heated greenhouses. Eli and Misty are further able to keep up production in winter by specializing in using the Earth’s solar heat to grow crops like beets, leeks, Brussels sprouts, and carrots all season.

Big Riggs Farm / Gourment Central / Flying Buck Distillery
Big Riggs Farm and
Gourmet Central and Flying Bucks Distillery (and BBQ) are local Augusta WV neighbors
In 2015, Bigg Riggs became one of the largest organic farms in West Virginia. Covering over 30 acres, the organic offerings are expanding each month. You can see our list of organic products and where we’ll be every week on our calendar.​Sustainable farming, supporting local businesses and maintaining efficient agricultural practices supports a movement we can all benefit from for generations to come.
Gourmet Central Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/Gourmet-Central-141462271181/
Flying Buck Distillery Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/flyingbuckdistillery/
Proprietors include: Calvin Riggleman (540) 336-6568 and Trey Smith 540-686-6088
Kitchen Manager: Jim Williams 540-664-2218
email: info@biggriggs.com